Actually, that's a horrible analogy. A wolf's instincts keep him back, while the mysteries of the Inter-farging-net have kept me at bay. My dear son Karl has regained access for me, so I'm back.
However, in the meantime, I've gotten a freelance editing job that keeps me from getting anything else accomplished. I am learning a lot about Freud's life and work in a Roman Catholic Vienna. Apparently, It Is Written that whenever I attempt the AT Cure, Fin de Siecle Roman Catholic Vienna, spring gardening imperatives, or I don't know what else will keep me from reaching anything like a goal in my house.

Worse, this frustration leads straight into byways that offer a bit of solace--I take on small, lateral projects to soothe myself: like this pendant lamp I'm making for a new corner in the living room that was created by the construction of my "solarium"(in this picture, the lamp is less than half done and hanging on my bookcase):
Can anyone guess what I'm using to make this curiosity?
A drying rack perhaps?
So good to see you "back." Small projects are an excellent way to spend one's time when one doesn't have much. It's amazing what consistent effort over time, however small, can achieve.
Hmm... it said there was some sort of "duplication error", which is tricky, because I hadn't posted a comment before that, but, at the risk of duplicating my previous comment (!), my guess about the pendant is that it's being made of hammers from a piano...
Bingo, scb!
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