Friday, March 14, 2008

A Nook Comes to Be

All right, enough wool-gathering. 

One of the things I'm focusing on for the Chicago Apartment Therapy Spring Cure is my need for nooks and crannies in an otherwise characterless place. There are 2 main projects under this heading: the first, pictured here, is creation of a kitchen corner, with a table and chairs, and a lamp, and a rock wall, and a fountain.
The refrigerator used to live here. When I'm done, it will be a gemutlichkeit nook where I'll sit and have coffee with friends. Pictures below.

The other main nook project is the creation of a solarium in the deepest, darkest corner of this basement apartment. Stay tuned for photos later today.......

The unforgiving fridge void at the far end of my kitchen

The rock quarry---newsprint transmogrifies into boulders on the kitchen table

Rocks applied to plastic sheeting applied to wall

Unfortunate discovery: the old door destined to be a headboard 
looks terrific with the rocks, Now what do I do?


Alana in Canada said...

Can you find another (smaller) old door and make it into the table?

Or--maybe add some old wood as the doorfrane around that dooway--or trim the "rock wall"--use it like molding and divide it up anyway you wish--even use it like a "chair rail."

Last fall, someone had a small thin shelf on a rock wall. It was just wide enough for a charming collection of old toy beetle cars. She lined them up on the shelf and it was fabulous. I'll see if I can find the pic for you.

Lots of ways to incorporate the wood--if not the actual piece itself.

Au said...

Thanks for the shelf idea, Alana--I'll do it! I'm looking for a piece of lumber that looks about 500 years old. When I put it up with braces, I can cover the latter with some of the "rocks."

Alana in Canada said...

I found it!
Funny how I had thought the whole wall had been made of rock. Her end walss are, though. Anyway, here's the image I thought I had in mind.

(If the link doesn't come through, it's from flickr, username: sarahmac.

Anonymous said...

A pastiche of paste cobbled together?
