Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Flaw Magnet

On my birthday, my friend R appeared, well tooled and further armed with secret initiative. (And the double entendre there is for him.)  He disappeared into my garden, and the circular saw and the hammer sang out all day.

Sometime prior to the birthday, R had perceived that the rooftop planting beds on the straw hut were ready to collapse and crush any occupant's skull like a hen's egg. So he built in some structural integrity. (Is that like writing poetry and then going back and putting in the symbolism?) Simultaneously, he converted my intended Purity of Materials look to his own signature Appalachian Gothic style. Which is about as diametrically opposed to my intention as you can oppose anything diametrically.  You would thing I'd be pissed off, no?  Well, no. Instead, I am (a) hugely relieved, and (b) enchanted and happy.

All of which has nothing obvious to do with the titular Flaw Magnet  of this post. That is because the subject of flaw magnets is very complicated. Later today, pictures of R's Appalachian Gothic effect will appear here, along with discussion of Flaw Magnets. (Hint: the designation has nothing to do with magnets that would detect flaws, and everything to do with  magnets that have flaws resulting in beautiful optical effects.)

Sunday, June 1, 2008

It's My Birthday

It's official, and I can produce my [creased, yellowed, faded] birth certificate as Exhibit One--I am 70 today, and I commence my 71st year.

On my birthday the first year I lived here, I spied in the woods an old tree stump with the sunlight picking it out of the shadows: 

I went to look closer, and here's what I saw:

And a few weeks later: